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Public Procurement Performance Indicators
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In Mongolia, the government has been working since 2008 to introduce international best practice in public procurement by improving its laws and regulations. As part of this plan, it has also established an electronic procurement (eProcurement) system, which facilitates the purchase and sale of supplies, work and services through the internet and other information systems.

Government Procurement Agency (GPA), is putting in place the necessary e-Procurement tools to reduce the risk of corruption and make participating in public tenders much easier for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (source). 

The Public Procurement Law of Mongolia (PPLM) became effective in May 2000 was amended in 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2016. The law was drafted in 1999 with technical assistance of the ADB based on the UNCITRAL Model law on procurement. It complies with international best procurement practices and shares the common objectives of public procurement systems. The law regulates public procurement of goods, works and services (consultancy and non-consultancy) and covers the majority of public procurement activity.

The PPLM does not regulate the following: 

  • procurement of special purpose equipment and facilities, works, services, and weapons in connection with national security and state secrets;
  • procurement of works and services related to maintenance of national roads, executed by the state owned legal entity;
  • procurement of works, goods and services related to activity of the Development Bank of Mongolia

The key criterion in evaluating responsive tenders is the tender price10. Responsive tender means a tender that is evaluated on technical and financial criteria at the same time. The tendering is carried out and completed within 45 days from the date of its opening and a tender is valid during this period. It applies to procurement of works, goods and services (source).

PPL evaluation - Download

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