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Public Procurement in Czech republic is regulated by the Act. No. 134/2016 on public procurement, which besides the conventional procurement procedures, incorporates concessions.

Czech Republic does not have a separate agency for public procurement management, however, the function is performed by the Ministry for Local Development, which is responsible for making legislation on public procurement (primary and secondary legislation) and operation of information system about public procurement. Ministry also monitors public procurement market and publishes annual report about public procurement performance.

Czech Republic has a public procurement portal - https://nen.nipez.cz/, where contract notices and results of competition are published. All relevant documents about tender procedure and contract are published on the portal - tender documentation, questions from bidders, report on evaluation of bids, signed contract, interim and final price of the contract, etc. Nevertheless, electronic procurement is not primary method of conducting public procurement.


Public Procurement Legislation available at the following – link.

Public Procurement Portal of Czech Republic– link.





Public Procurement in Czech republic is regulated by the Act. No. 134/2016 on public procurement, which besides the conventional procurement procedures, incorporates concessions.

Czech Republic does not have a separate agency for public procurement management, however, the function is performed by the Ministry for Local Development, which is responsible for making legislation on public procurement (primary and secondary legislation) and operation of information system about public procurement. Ministry also monitors public procurement market and publishes annual report about public procurement performance.

Czech Republic has a public procurement portal - https://nen.nipez.cz/, where contract notices and results of competition are published. All relevant documents about tender procedure and contract are published on the portal - tender documentation, questions from bidders, report on evaluation of bids, signed contract, interim and final price of the contract, etc. Nevertheless, electronic procurement is not primary method of conducting public procurement.


Public Procurement Legislation available at the following – link.

Public Procurement Portal of Czech Republic– link.


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