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Guatemala’s public procurement system is regulated by the Law on Public Contracts and other legal acts. The law determines the Directorate General for State Procurement, under the Ministry of Public Finance, as the body responsible for managing and regulating the system as well as developing policy based on procurement statistics that it must keep.

The Directorate is also charged with running and developing the central public procurement information system - the Guatecompras. The use of this platform is obligatory for all procuring entities, who have to upload almost all public procurement related information regarding all stages of public procurement in the system.

The public procurement system in Guatemala is not fully electronic. Thile electronic submission of bids is allowed, paper-based tendering remains an option. Maintaining a partially paper-based procurement system is a considerable impediment to the efficiency and modernization of public contracting. Lack of compliance with the transparency obligation is one challenge faced by such combined procurement systems.

Indeed, browsing through Guatecompras suggests that the database may not be complete. This observation is in line with experience from other PP information portals, whereby, despite legal obligation, procuring entities fail to be consistent in uploading the required information and documents.


Public Procurement Legislation available at – link.

Public Procurement Portal of Guatemala – link. 

PPL evaluation - Download.


Guatemala’s public procurement system is regulated by the Law on Public Contracts and other legal acts. The law determines the Directorate General for State Procurement, under the Ministry of Public Finance, as the body responsible for managing and regulating the system as well as developing policy based on procurement statistics that it must keep.

The Directorate is also charged with running and developing the central public procurement information system - the Guatecompras. The use of this platform is obligatory for all procuring entities, who have to upload almost all public procurement related information regarding all stages of public procurement in the system.

The public procurement system in Guatemala is not fully electronic. Thile electronic submission of bids is allowed, paper-based tendering remains an option. Maintaining a partially paper-based procurement system is a considerable impediment to the efficiency and modernization of public contracting. Lack of compliance with the transparency obligation is one challenge faced by such combined procurement systems.

Indeed, browsing through Guatecompras suggests that the database may not be complete. This observation is in line with experience from other PP information portals, whereby, despite legal obligation, procuring entities fail to be consistent in uploading the required information and documents.


Public Procurement Legislation available at – link.

Public Procurement Portal of Guatemala – link. 

PPL evaluation - Download.