Country facts
Population - 14.7 million (2019)
Area - 386,850 km2
GDP - US$ 31 Billion (2018)
GDP (per capita) - US$ 2.147 (2018)
State Budget Revenues -
State Budget Expenditures -
Economic Growth - 6.2% (2018)
Public Procurement Performance Indicators
Single-Source Procurement -
Average Number of Bidders -
Failed Tenders -
Disputes Won by the Initiator -
In recent years a number of reforms were implemented in Zimbabwe in the area of public procurement. The Reforms in Public Procurement culminated in the drafting of a new Public Procurement Bill which was enacted into law, Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act [Cap 22:23] in October 2017.
The Act covers:
- All State Institutions at every level
- all stages of the procurement cycle
- all types of procurement
Separation of Regulatory and Operational Functions
The Act creates a Public Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ) which is a regulatory and oversight body responsible for setting standards, issuing guidelines and monitoring compliance. PRAZ will also ensure that public procurement and the disposal of public assets in Zimbabwe is done in a manner that is transparent, fair, honest, cost-effective and competitive;
The Authority is no longer involved in the adjudication and awarding of tenders like before.
Decentralization of procurement activities
- The award of tenders will now be done by accounting officers in various State departments and companies, with the authority only playing a supervisory and monitoring role to ensure Government entities comply with the new Act and other set standards.
- In terms of Section 14 (1), subject to thresholds, every PE shall be responsible for its procurement.
- In terms of Section 15 of the Act, every PE shall be authorized to conduct procurement at or above prescribed thresholds.
- In terms of Section 14(2), the Accounting Officer is responsible her procurement assisted by PMU.
- In terms of Section 15, the Accounting Officer shall not conduct procurement before authorization
Organization of procurement in institutions
- Procurement in Procuring Entities shall be managed by Procurement Management Units (PMU) who report directly to the Accounting Officers in terms of Section.
Public Procurement Legislation available at the following – link.
Public Procurement Portal of Zimbabwe– link.
PPL evaluation - Download.