Colombia 71.46%
Select Year
Country facts
Population - 50.88 million
Area - 1,141,748 km2
GDP - US$ 50,372,424 (2021)
GDP (per capita) - US$ 16,264 (2021)
State Budget Revenues -
State Budget Expenditures -
Economic Growth - -
Public Procurement Performance Indicators
Single-Source Procurement - -
Average Number of Bidders - -
Failed Tenders - -
Disputes Won by the Initiator - -

Law 80 of 1993, known as the General Statute for Public Procurement, is the legal basis that regulates public procurement in Colombia. Furthermore, Law 1150 of 2007 included certain amendments to the Statute in order to ensure transparency and efficiency in the processes. This legislation applies to all national and local entities, with the exception of those that have a special regime, such as state-owned enterprises.


This legislation aims to delimit the entire public procurement process, from the modalities of selection, publicity, objective selection, principles, among others. 


The Electronic Public Procurement System (SECOP) is the official platform used to register all information related to public contracts. However, all entities that fall within the obligations generated by Law 1712 of 2014 (the Transparency Law) also have a duty to publish the procurement processes in their own web platforms.


Public Procurement Legislation available at the following - link

Public Procurement website of Colombia – link.


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