Uganda 60.48%
Select Year
Country facts
Population - 45.5 million (2019)
Area - 199,810 km2
GDP - US$ 27.4 Billion (2018)
GDP (per capita) - US$ 643.1 (2018)
State Budget Revenues -
State Budget Expenditures -
Economic Growth - 6.1% (2018)
Public Procurement Performance Indicators
Single-Source Procurement -
Average Number of Bidders -
Failed Tenders -
Disputes Won by the Initiator -

The main legal act regulating the area of public procurement in Uganda is Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act (PPDA act) of 2003. The act set up the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA) as the principal regulatory body for public procurement and disposal of public assets in Uganda. The amendments to the PPDA law have introduced several changes prominent of which is the strengthening and enhancement of the role of PPDA in the execution of its regulatory mandate.

The main mandate of PPDA is to:

  • ensure the application of fair ,Competitive, transparent, non-discriminatory, and value for money procurement and disposal standards and practices;
  • harmonize the procurement and disposal policy systems and practices of Central Government, Local Governments and Statutory bodies;
  • set standards for the public procurement and disposal systems in Uganda;
  • monitor compliance of procuring and disposing entities; and
  • build procurement and disposal capacity in Uganda

The website of the Government of Uganda serves as an official point of access for all procedures and information related to public procurement.

Despite the existing legal and institutional framework to fight corruption in public procurement in Uganda problems still remain mostly in the direction of transparency and accountability.


Public Procurement Legislation available at the following link.

Public Procurement website of Uganda – link.

PPL evaluation - Download.